Estate Planning 101 For Women

Ladies, did you know that 36% of women 65 and older are widowed, compared with 12% of men 65 and older, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. That is just one statistic that places us as women into a special bracket of folks who need to think about their plan. What kind of plan you ask? We as women tend to plan nearly everything from our life goals to dinner but we fall short when it comes to...
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How To Enforce Child Support Obligations In Arizona

Payments for child support are supposed to be made in a timely manner and paid in full. Unfortunately this is not always the case. If you have not received payments there are a few forms of action you can take. 1. File a “Motion to Enforce the Order” with the Court. File this motion when the other party is not following the order and you want the court to enforce that he or she does. This is a...
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